Software suite to Acquire and Analyze Data from Pixie16
Pixie Acquisition and Analysis Software Suite (PAASS)

This software was written at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville by members of the Experimental Nuclear Structure Group. The software analyzes provides a framework to acquire and analyze data from the XIA, LLC DGF Pixie-16 modules. These data are then packaged in either a PLD format, or into an LDF (used by the HRIBF/ORNL data acquisition system). Additionally, the current revision of this code provides an interface with the run conrtol software PACMAN from the old HRIBF/ORNL data acquisition software.

This data acquisition software is heavily based on the work by D. Miller. The main difference between the original Pixie Suite and Pixie Suite 2 is that Pixie Suite 2 provides a fully integrated user terminal. This eliminates the need to use many of the old command line programs for setup of the Pixie16 Modules. In addition, it integrates many of these programs into a cohesive whole.

In addition, the utkscan program analyzes the data taken through the DAQ The code is capable of processing a variety of detector types, and is written in a modular format such that the code can be easily adapted to a variety of experimental setups.

These codes are the work of many Contributors, their names are (hopefully) documented in the codes they wrote, and in the documentation files. If your name is missing or you have a contribution, please contact the code maintainers.