Pixie16 Analysis Software Suite
Analysis code for processing of .ldf files
Detector Types

This page describes all detector types that are possible to use in the current analysis. These are the only detector types that are valid for use in the Config.xml file.


This detector type is used for the 3Hen detector. This is processed by the Hen3Processor.


This detector type is for scintillator detectors used to detect beta particles. This is processed by BetaScintProcessor.


This detector type is used for the front of the DSSD. The front and back of the DSSD must be kept separate to independently determine the strip with the maximum energy for front and back. Available sub types include:


This detector type is used for the back of the DSSD. Available sub types include:


This detector type is used for all germanium detectors. The clover detectors are the furthest developed at present. Available sub types include:


This is a detector type for a generic detector. It could be something that you do not need a full processor for, and simply want to have access to the detector information. There is no dedicated processor.


This detector type is for the front of the dssd for implants only. This type is intended for use in fragmentation experiments where the implant and decay signals use two separate electronics chains. Available sub types include:

  • idssd_front

Handled by the ImplantSsdProcessor.


This type will be ignored at every step of the analysis.


This type is for an ion chamber. It is handled by the IonChamberProcessor.


This detector type is for liquid scintillator detectors. This is processed by LiquidScintProcessor.


This detector type is for Logic signals from traditional electronics. These types are handled by the LogicProcessor.


This detector type is for all mcp detectors. Available sub types include:

  • 1position1 - MCP position signal 1.
  • 1position2 - MCP position signal 2.
  • 1position3 - MCP position signal 3.
  • 1position4 - MCP position signal 4.
  • 1time - MCP timing signal. This is processed by McpProcessor.


This type is for the signals from the Moving Tape Collector (MTC). This stuff is handled by the MtcProcessor.


This detector type is for scintillator detectors used to detect neutrons. This is processed by NeutronScintProcessor.


This detector type is for a position signal at a fragmentation experiment. This type is intended for correcting a time-of-flight signal based on the position signal at an intermediate focus. Available sub types include:

  • i2spos

Handled by the PositionProcessor


This type is for simple pulsers. It is mainly designed for measuring the time difference between the subtype "start" and "stop". Handled by the PulserProcessor.


This detector type is for all silicon detectors that are not a DSSD. This type should be used for the silicon box. No sub types for this type yet.


A type for an SSD. This is handled by the SsdProcessor.


This detector type is for timing detectors such as TACs and MTCs. Available sub types include

  • MTC (processed by MtcProcessor)


A detector type for a "Teeny VANDLE" detector. Currently, handled by the VandleProcessor, but will have its own at some point.


A type for all types of VANDLE bars, different sizes are handled via the subtypes: small, med, big. Handled by the VandleProcessor.