Pixie16 Analysis Software Suite
Analysis code for processing of .ldf files
►NdammIds | Namespace containing all the histogram id definitions |
CAddBackEvent | Simple structure-like class to store info on addback reconstructed event |
CAnl1471Processor | Class to process VANDLE related events |
CBarBuilder | Class that builds bars out of a list of ends |
CBarDetector | A class to handle detectors that have two readouts viewing the same volume |
CBeta4Hen3Processor | Class to handle Beta events for the 3Hen detector |
CBetaProcessor | Detector processor that handles scintillator events for beta detection (deprecated) |
CBetaScintProcessor | Detector processor that handles scintillator detectors for beta detection |
CCalibrationParams | This structure holds walk calibration model identfier, range of calibration and vector of parameters needed for the function |
CCalibrator | Class to handle energy calibrations |
CCfdAnalyzer | Class to analyze traces using a digital CFD |
CChanEvent | A channel event |
CConversionException | Error in conversion of string to numerical or boolean value |
CCorrectionParams | This structure holds walk calibration model identfier and vector of parameters needed for the function |
CCorrelationList | The list of correlations |
CCorrelator | Correlate decays with previous implants |
CCrosstalkProcessor | A generic processor to be used as a template for others |
CDetectorDriver | DetectorDriver controls event processing |
CDetectorLibrary | A class to define a library of detectors known to the analysis |
CDetectorSummary | Summary of all channels of one detector type |
CDoubleBetaProcessor | A generic processor to be used as a template for others |
►CDssd4SHEProcessor | Class to handle DSSDs for Super heavy element experiments |
CDssdProcessor | Handles detectors of type dssd_front and dssd_back |
CE11006Processor | Processor for the e11006 experiment |
CEventData | Simple structure holding basic parameters needed for correlation of events in the same place |
CEventInfo | Structure to contain the event info |
CEventProcessor | Class to handle event processing |
►CFittingAnalyzer | Analyzer that handles the fitting of traces for High Resolution Timing |
CGe4Hen3Processor | Class to handle Ge clovers for 3Hen experiments |
CGeCalibProcessor | A class to handle the calibrations for the Ge Processor |
CGeneralException | Exception with customizable message |
CGeneralWarning | Warning with customizable message |
CGeProcessor | Processor to handle Ge (read as clover) events |
CGlobals | Singleton class holding global parameters |
CHen3Processor | Processor to handle 3Hen detector |
CHighResTimingData | |
CHistogramException | Error in creating or accesing histograms |
CIdentifier | Channel identification |
CImplantSsdProcessor | Handles detectors of type ssd:implant |
CIOException | Read/write exception for all file operation related tasks |
►CIonChamberProcessor | Processor to handle ion chambers |
CIS600Processor | Class Analyze for ISOLDE experiments 599 and 600 |
CLabr3TestProcessor | A generic processor to be used as a template for others |
CLiquidProcessor | Processor for Liquid Scintillators - Deprecated |
CLiquidScintProcessor | Class to handle liquid scintillator |
CLitePositionProcessor | Version of PositionProcessor that is light weight |
CLogicProcessor | Class to handle logic signals |
►CMcpProcessor | Class that handles MCP detectors |
CMessenger | This class outputs nicely formatted messages during configuration loading |
CNeutronProcessor | Processor for handling scintillator neutron detectors - Deprecated |
CNeutronScintProcessor | Class to handle Neutron Scintillators (that are not VANDLE) |
CNotebook | A class to output things to a notebook |
CNotImplemented | Use this exception if feature is not implemented yet |
CPlace | A pure abstract class to define a "place" for correlator |
CPlaceAND | Similar to PlaceOR but uses AND relation |
CPlaceBuilder | Create place, alter or add existing place to the tree |
CPlaceCounter | Counts number of activations coming from directly or from children |
CPlaceDetector | The basic detector which does not depend on children status. Will use info_ map to store additional information |
CPlaceLazy | "Lazy" Place does not store multiple activation or deactivation events. Abstract class |
CPlaceOR | An abstract place using OR logic to set the activation of places |
CPlaceThreshold | Each activation must be within the set thresholds |
CPlaceThresholdOR | Each activation must be within the set thresholds |
CPlots | Holds pointers to all Histograms |
CPlotsRegister | Holds ranges and offsets of all plots. Singleton class |
CPositionProcessor | Processor to calculate the position in SSDs |
►CPspmtProcessor | Class to handle processing of position sensitive pmts |
CPulserProcessor | A class to handle time differences between two pulsers |
CRandomPool | A random pool of numbers using Mersenne twister - Singleton Class |
CRawEvent | The all important raw event |
CRootProcessor | A Class to handle outputting things into ROOT |
CScintProcessor | Obsoltete Class to handle scintillator events |
CSheCorrelator | Class to handle correlations for super heavy event experiments |
CSheEvent | A class to define information for a super-heavy element event |
CSsdProcessor | Handles detectors of type dssd_front and dssd_back (Deprecated - Duplicate!) |
CStatsData | Class to store statistics data from data stream in original format |
CTauAnalyzer | Class to analyze Tau from a trace |
CTeenyVandleProcessor | A generic processor to be used as a template for others |
CTemplateExpProcessor | Working template class for experiment processors |
CTemplateProcessor | A generic processor to be used as a template for others |
CTimingCalibration | A class to hold the timing calibration for a detector |
CTimingCalibrator | Class to handle time calibrations for bar type detectors - Singleton |
CTimingMapBuilder | A class that builds timing maps from a list of ChanEvents |
CTrace | Store the information for a trace |
CTraceAnalyzer | Abstract class that all trace analyzers are derived from |
CTraceExtractor | A class to extract traces from events |
CTraceFilter | |
CTraceFilterAnalyzer | A class to perform trapezoidal filters on the traces |
CTrapFilterParameters | Simple class that holds trapezoidal filter parameters |
CTreeCorrelator | Singleton class holding map of all places |
CTreeCorrelatorException | Exception in the TreeCorrelator, both reading and parsing XML file, as well as creating new places, accessing places etc |
CValidProcessor | Class to handle the Valid signal from MoNA DAQ |
CVandleAtLeribssProcessor | Class to process VANDLE related events |
CVandleProcessor | Class to process VANDLE related events |
CWaaAnalyzer | Extracts sub-sampling time from trace using weighted average algorithm |
CWalkCorrector | Class to correct channels for walk in the onboard filters |
CWalker | XML document walker and parser for TreeCorrelator xml config file |
CWalkVandleBetaProcessor | Class to process VANDLE related events |
CWaveformAnalyzer | Class to handle the HRT and waveform analysis |