Pixie16 Analysis Software Suite
Analysis code for processing of .ldf files
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Anl1471Processor.hppA class to process data from the LeRIBSS 2012 campaign
 BarBuilder.hppA class to build bar style detectors
 BarDetector.hppA class to handle bar style detectors (VANDLE, Betas, etc.)
 Calibrator.hppClass to handle energy calibrations for the channels
 CfdAnalyzer.hppClass to use Cfd on traces
 ChanEvent.hppA Class to define what a channel event is
 Correlator.hppHeader file for correlation
 CrosstalkProcessor.hppA Crosstalk class to be used to build others
 DammPlotIds.hppLists Offsets and Ranges for various Processors
 DetectorDriver.hppMain Driver for event processing
 DetectorLibrary.hppThis is an extension of the vector of the identifiers that was previously used
 DetectorSummary.hppThe class that generates the summary of the detectors in the analysis
 DoubleBetaProcessor.hppA Template class to be used to build others
 DssdProcessor.hppHeader file for DSSD analysis
 E11006Processor.hppA class specific to the e11006 experiment
 EventData.hppStructure holding event data
 EventProcessor.hppGeneric event processor
 Exceptions.hppClass to handle errors occurring during the execution of the code
 FittingAnalyzer.hppClass to fit functions to waveforms
 GeCalibProcessor.hppProcessor for germanium detectors - calibration
 GeProcessor.hppProcessor for germanium detectors
 GetArguments.hppA quick and dirty way to get the arguments pass to scan through the respective Fortran calls
 Globals.hppConstant parameters used in pixie16 analysis
 HighResTimingData.hppClass to hold all of the information for high resolution timing
 Identifier.hppDefines identifying information for channels
 ImplantSsdProcessor.hppHeader file for an SSD detector for implantation and correlation
 IonChamberProcessor.hppProcessor for ion chamber
 IS600Processor.hppA class to process data from ISOLDE 599 and 600 experiments using VANDLE
 LaBr3TestProcessor.hppA Labr3Test class to be used to build others
 LitePositionProcessor.hppHandle QDCs for the position sensitive detector, a minimal number of spectra are created
 LogicProcessor.hppClass to handle logic signals derived originally from MTC processor
 McpProcessor.hppClass for handling position-sensitive mcp signals
 Messenger.hppA class to handle messages and output them prettily
 Notebook.hppAn object to take notes
 PlaceBuilder.hppDefines the various places for the TreeCorrelator
 Places.hppDefines the various places for the TreeCorrelator
 Plots.hppA container to request a block of plots and plot respective spectra through the plots register
 PositionProcessor.hppHandle QDCs for the position sensitive detector
 PspmtProcessor.hppA processor to handle pixelated PMTs
 PulserProcessor.hppClass for handling Pulser Signals
 RandomPool.hppHolds a pre-generated pool of random numbers
 RawEvent.hppHeader file for the rawevent
 RootProcessor.hppProcessor to dump data from events into a root tree
 SsdProcessor.hppHeader file for SSD analysis
 StatsData.hppStores statistics data from the data stream in its original format
 TauAnalyzer.hppA trace analyzer which determines the decay time constant of traces
 TeenyVandleProcessor.hppA Template class to be used to build others
 TemplateExpProcessor.hppExample class for experiment specific setups
 TemplateProcessor.hppA Template class to be used to build others
 TimingCalibrator.hppA class to handle the timing calibration parameters
 TimingMapBuilder.hppClass to build timing maps
 Trace.hppA simple class to store the traces
 TraceAnalyzer.hppHeader file for the TraceAnalyzer class
 TraceExtractor.hppHeader file for the TraceExtractor class
 TraceFilter.hppA class to perform trapezoidal filtering
 TraceFilterAnalyzer.hppDeclaration of analysis class which does the filtering of traces
 TreeCorrelator.hppA class to handle complex correlations between various processors
 ValidProcessor.hppClass for handling Valid Signals For the VANDLE-MoNA experiment at MSU
 VandleAtLeribssProcessor.hppA class to process data from the LeRIBSS 2012 campaign
 VandleProcessor.hppA class to handle VANDLE bars
 WaaAnalyzer.hppClass to perform Weighted Average algorithm on waveforms
 WalkCorrector.hppA Class to handle walk corrections for channels
 WalkVandleBetaProcessor.hppA class to determine the walk between Vandle and the LeRIBSS betas
 WaveformAnalyzer.hppClass to analyze traces