Pixie16 Analysis Software Suite
Analysis code for processing of .ldf files
▼ include | |
Anl1471Processor.hpp | A class to process data from the LeRIBSS 2012 campaign |
BarBuilder.hpp | A class to build bar style detectors |
BarDetector.hpp | A class to handle bar style detectors (VANDLE, Betas, etc.) |
Beta4Hen3Processor.hpp | |
BetaProcessor.hpp | |
BetaScintProcessor.hpp | |
Calibrator.hpp | Class to handle energy calibrations for the channels |
CfdAnalyzer.hpp | Class to use Cfd on traces |
ChanEvent.hpp | A Class to define what a channel event is |
Correlator.hpp | Header file for correlation |
CrosstalkProcessor.hpp | A Crosstalk class to be used to build others |
DammPlotIds.hpp | Lists Offsets and Ranges for various Processors |
DetectorDriver.hpp | Main Driver for event processing |
DetectorLibrary.hpp | This is an extension of the vector of the identifiers that was previously used |
DetectorSummary.hpp | The class that generates the summary of the detectors in the analysis |
DoubleBetaProcessor.hpp | A Template class to be used to build others |
Dssd4SHEProcessor.hpp | |
DssdProcessor.hpp | Header file for DSSD analysis |
E11006Processor.hpp | A class specific to the e11006 experiment |
EventData.hpp | Structure holding event data |
EventProcessor.hpp | Generic event processor |
Exceptions.hpp | Class to handle errors occurring during the execution of the code |
FittingAnalyzer.hpp | Class to fit functions to waveforms |
Ge4Hen3Processor.hpp | |
GeCalibProcessor.hpp | Processor for germanium detectors - calibration |
GeProcessor.hpp | Processor for germanium detectors |
GetArguments.hpp | A quick and dirty way to get the arguments pass to scan through the respective Fortran calls |
Globals.hpp | Constant parameters used in pixie16 analysis |
Hen3Processor.hpp | |
HighResTimingData.hpp | Class to hold all of the information for high resolution timing |
Identifier.hpp | Defines identifying information for channels |
ImplantSsdProcessor.hpp | Header file for an SSD detector for implantation and correlation |
IonChamberProcessor.hpp | Processor for ion chamber |
IS600Processor.hpp | A class to process data from ISOLDE 599 and 600 experiments using VANDLE |
LaBr3TestProcessor.hpp | A Labr3Test class to be used to build others |
LiquidProcessor.hpp | |
LiquidScintProcessor.hpp | |
LitePositionProcessor.hpp | Handle QDCs for the position sensitive detector, a minimal number of spectra are created |
LogicProcessor.hpp | Class to handle logic signals derived originally from MTC processor |
McpProcessor.hpp | Class for handling position-sensitive mcp signals |
Messenger.hpp | A class to handle messages and output them prettily |
NeutronProcessor.hpp | |
NeutronScintProcessor.hpp | |
Notebook.hpp | An object to take notes |
pixie16app_defs.h | |
PlaceBuilder.hpp | Defines the various places for the TreeCorrelator |
Places.hpp | Defines the various places for the TreeCorrelator |
Plots.hpp | A container to request a block of plots and plot respective spectra through the plots register |
PlotsRegister.hpp | |
PositionProcessor.hpp | Handle QDCs for the position sensitive detector |
PspmtProcessor.hpp | A processor to handle pixelated PMTs |
PulserProcessor.hpp | Class for handling Pulser Signals |
RandomPool.hpp | Holds a pre-generated pool of random numbers |
RawEvent.hpp | Header file for the rawevent |
RootProcessor.hpp | Processor to dump data from events into a root tree |
ScintProcessor.hpp | |
SheCorrelator.hpp | |
SsdBetaProcessor.hpp | |
SsdProcessor.hpp | Header file for SSD analysis |
StatsData.hpp | Stores statistics data from the data stream in its original format |
TauAnalyzer.hpp | A trace analyzer which determines the decay time constant of traces |
TeenyVandleProcessor.hpp | A Template class to be used to build others |
TemplateExpProcessor.hpp | Example class for experiment specific setups |
TemplateProcessor.hpp | A Template class to be used to build others |
TimingCalibrator.hpp | A class to handle the timing calibration parameters |
TimingMapBuilder.hpp | Class to build timing maps |
Trace.hpp | A simple class to store the traces |
TraceAnalyzer.hpp | Header file for the TraceAnalyzer class |
TraceExtractor.hpp | Header file for the TraceExtractor class |
TraceFilter.hpp | A class to perform trapezoidal filtering |
TraceFilterAnalyzer.hpp | Declaration of analysis class which does the filtering of traces |
TrapFilterParameters.hpp | |
TreeCorrelator.hpp | A class to handle complex correlations between various processors |
ValidProcessor.hpp | Class for handling Valid Signals For the VANDLE-MoNA experiment at MSU |
VandleAtLeribssProcessor.hpp | A class to process data from the LeRIBSS 2012 campaign |
VandleProcessor.hpp | A class to handle VANDLE bars |
WaaAnalyzer.hpp | Class to perform Weighted Average algorithm on waveforms |
WalkCorrector.hpp | A Class to handle walk corrections for channels |
WalkVandleBetaProcessor.hpp | A class to determine the walk between Vandle and the LeRIBSS betas |
WaveformAnalyzer.hpp | Class to analyze traces |
▼ src | |
► analyzers | |
► core | |
► experiment | |
► processors |