Pixie16 Analysis Software Suite
Analysis code for processing of .ldf files
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NdammIdsNamespace containing all the histogram id definitions
 Nbeta_scintIn BetaScintProcessor.hpp
 NcorrelatorIn Correlator.cpp
 NdettemplateIn TemplateProcessor.cpp
 NdoublebetaIn DoubleBetaProcessor.cpp
 NdssdIn DssdProcessor.cpp
 Ndssd4sheIn DssdProcessor.cpp
 NexperimentFor Experiment specific processors
 NgeIn GeProcessor.cpp
 NbetaGatedNamespace for the beta gated Ge histograms
 NmultiNamespace for the multi-gated spectra
 NbetaGatedNamespace for the beta gated multi-gated spectra
 Nhen3In Hen3Processor.cpp
 NimplantSsdIn ImplantSsdProcessor.cpp
 NionChamberIn IonChamberProcessor.cpp
 Nliquid_scintIn LiquidScintProcessor.cpp
 NlogicIn LogicProcessor.cpp
 NmcpIn McpProcessor.cpp
 Nneutron_scintIn NeutronScintProcessor.cpp
 NpositionIn PositionProcessor.cpp
 NpspmtIn PspmtProcessor.cpp
 NpulserIn PulserProcessor.cpp
 NrawAll of the raw histograms
 NssdIn SsdProcessor.cpp
 NteenyvandleIn TeenyVandleProcessor.cpp
 NtraceDefinitions for all of the traces
 Nextractor1D-traces from the extractor
 NvandleIn VandleProcessor.cpp
 NpixiePixie module related things that should not change between revisions
 NreadbuffNamespace defining some buffer related constants
 NstringsSome common string conversion operations
 NTimingDefs! Namespace defining some information for Timing related stuff