EventData | BestBetaForGamma (double gTime) |
bool | GoodGammaBeta (double gTime) |
void | DeclareHistogramGranY (int dammId, int xsize, int ysize, const char *title, int halfWordsPerChan, const std::vector< float > &granularity, const char *units) |
void | granploty (int dammId, double x, double y, const std::vector< float > &granularity) |
void | symplot (int dammID, double bin1, double bin2) |
virtual void | plot (int dammId, double val1, double val2=-1, double val3=-1, const char *name="h") |
| Implementation of the plot command to interface with the DAMM routines. More...
virtual void | DeclareHistogram1D (int dammId, int xSize, const char *title) |
| Declares a 1D histogram calls the C++ wrapper for DAMM. More...
virtual void | DeclareHistogram2D (int dammId, int xSize, int ySize, const char *title) |
| Declares a 2D histogram calls the C++ wrapper for DAMM. More...
std::map< int, int > | leafToClover |
std::vector< float > | timeResolution |
unsigned int | numClovers |
std::vector< ChanEvent * > | geEvents_ |
std::vector< std::vector< AddBackEvent > > | addbackEvents_ |
std::vector< AddBackEvent > | tas_ |
double | gammaThreshold_ |
double | lowRatio_ |
| ratio between low and high gain to be accepted w/o saturation flag
double | highRatio_ |
| ratio between low and high gain to be accepted w/o saturation flag
double | subEventWindow_ |
double | gammaBetaLimit_ |
double | gammaGammaLimit_ |
double | cycle_gate1_min_ |
| low value for first cycle gate More...
double | cycle_gate1_max_ |
| high value for first cycle gate
double | cycle_gate2_min_ |
| low value for second cycle gate
double | cycle_gate2_max_ |
| high value for second cycle gate
std::string | name |
| Name of the Processor.
std::set< std::string > | associatedTypes |
| Set of associated types for Processor.
bool | initDone |
| True if the initialization has finished.
bool | didProcess |
| True if the process finished.
std::map< std::string, const DetectorSummary * > | sumMap |
| Map of associated detector summary.
Plots | histo |
static const unsigned int | chansPerClover = 4 |