Pixie16 Analysis Software Suite
Analysis code for processing of .ldf files
Files | |
file | BetaProcessor.cpp |
file | BetaScintProcessor.cpp |
file | DoubleBetaProcessor.cpp |
A DoubleBeta processor class that can be used to analyze double beta detectors. | |
file | DssdProcessor.cpp |
Processes DSSD events. | |
file | EventProcessor.cpp |
Implementation of a generic event processor. | |
file | GeCalibProcessor.cpp |
file | GeProcessor.cpp |
Implementation for germanium processor. | |
file | ImplantSsdProcessor.cpp |
Handles ssd:implant detectors. | |
file | IonChamberProcessor.cpp |
implementation for ion chambers | |
file | LiquidProcessor.cpp |
file | LiquidScintProcessor.cpp |
file | LitePositionProcessor.cpp |
Handle some QDC action to determine positions in a strip detector. | |
file | LogicProcessor.cpp |
handling of logic events, derived from MtcProcessor.cpp | |
file | McpProcessor.cpp |
Handles MCP detectors. | |
file | NeutronProcessor.cpp |
file | NeutronScintProcessor.cpp |
file | PositionProcessor.cpp |
Handle some QDC action to determine positions in a strip detector. | |
file | PulserProcessor.cpp |
Analyzes pulser signals. | |
file | RootProcessor.cpp |
Implemenation of class to dump event info to a root tree. | |
file | ScintProcessor.cpp |
file | SsdBetaProcessor.cpp |
file | SsdProcessor.cpp |
The SSD processor handles detectors of type ssd. | |
file | TeenyVandleProcessor.cpp |
A Template processor class that can be used to build your own. | |
file | TemplateProcessor.cpp |
A Template processor class that can be used to build your own. | |
file | ValidProcessor.cpp |
Used to output the timestamps from the MoNA daq clock. | |
file | VandleProcessor.cpp |
Processes information for VANDLE. | |