Pixie16 Analysis Software Suite
Analysis code for processing of .ldf files
core Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for core:


file  BarBuilder.cpp
 A class that builds bar type detectors.
file  Calibrator.cpp
 Class to handle energy calibrations for the channels.
file  ChanEvent.cpp
 A Class to define what a channel event is.
file  Correlator.cpp
 Correlates events.
file  DetectorDriver.cpp
 Main driver for event processing.
file  DetectorLibrary.cpp
 Some useful function for managing the list of channel identifiers.
file  DetectorSummary.cpp
 The class that generates the summary of the detectors in the analysis.
file  Globals.cpp
 constant parameters used in pixie16 analysis
file  Initialize.cpp
 C++ wrapper to upak's hd1d/hd2d functions.
file  Messenger.cpp
 A class to handle messages and output them prettily.
file  PixieStd.cpp
 pixie_std provides the interface between the HRIBF scan and the C++ analysis
file  PlaceBuilder.cpp
 Defines the various places for the TreeCorrelator.
file  Places.cpp
 Defines the various places for the TreeCorrelator.
file  Plots.cpp
 Implement a block declaration scheme for DAMM plots.
file  PlotsRegister.cpp
 Declaration of singleton register.
file  RandomPool.cpp
 Implementation of the random pool of numbers.
file  RawEvent.cpp
 defines functions associated with a rawevent
file  ReadBuffDataA.cpp
 retrieve data from raw buffer array ibuf
file  ReadBuffDataD.cpp
 retrieve data from raw buffer array ibuf
file  ReadBuffDataF.cpp
 retrieve data from raw buffer array ibuf
file  StatsData.cpp
 Stores statistics data from the data stream in its original format.
file  TimingCalibrator.cpp
 A class to handle the timing calibration parameters.
file  TimingMapBuilder.cpp
 A Class to build TimingMaps.
file  Trace.cpp
 Implement how to do our usual tricks with traces.
file  TreeCorrelator.cpp
 A class to handle complex correlations between various processors.