Pixie16 Analysis Software Suite
Analysis code for processing of .ldf files
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CAddBackEventSimple structure-like class to store info on addback reconstructed event
 CBarBuilderClass that builds bars out of a list of ends
 CBarDetectorA class to handle detectors that have two readouts viewing the same volume
 CCalibrationParamsThis structure holds walk calibration model identfier, range of calibration and vector of parameters needed for the function
 CCalibratorClass to handle energy calibrations
 CChanEventA channel event
 CCorrectionParamsThis structure holds walk calibration model identfier and vector of parameters needed for the function
 CCorrelatorCorrelate decays with previous implants
 CIonChamberProcessor::DataA Data structure to handle all of the info for the chamber
 CDetectorDriverDetectorDriver controls event processing
 CDetectorSummarySummary of all channels of one detector type
 CEventDataSimple structure holding basic parameters needed for correlation of events in the same place
 CEventInfoStructure to contain the event info
 CEventProcessorClass to handle event processing
 CBetaProcessorDetector processor that handles scintillator events for beta detection (deprecated)
 CBetaScintProcessorDetector processor that handles scintillator detectors for beta detection
 CDoubleBetaProcessorA generic processor to be used as a template for others
 CDssd4SHEProcessorClass to handle DSSDs for Super heavy element experiments
 CDssdProcessorHandles detectors of type dssd_front and dssd_back
 CE11006ProcessorProcessor for the e11006 experiment
 CGeProcessorProcessor to handle Ge (read as clover) events
 CHen3ProcessorProcessor to handle 3Hen detector
 CImplantSsdProcessorHandles detectors of type ssd:implant
 CIonChamberProcessorProcessor to handle ion chambers
 CIS600ProcessorClass Analyze for ISOLDE experiments 599 and 600
 CLabr3TestProcessorA generic processor to be used as a template for others
 CLiquidProcessorProcessor for Liquid Scintillators - Deprecated
 CLiquidScintProcessorClass to handle liquid scintillator
 CLitePositionProcessorVersion of PositionProcessor that is light weight
 CLogicProcessorClass to handle logic signals
 CMcpProcessorClass that handles MCP detectors
 CNeutronProcessorProcessor for handling scintillator neutron detectors - Deprecated
 CNeutronScintProcessorClass to handle Neutron Scintillators (that are not VANDLE)
 CPositionProcessorProcessor to calculate the position in SSDs
 CPspmtProcessorClass to handle processing of position sensitive pmts
 CPulserProcessorA class to handle time differences between two pulsers
 CRootProcessorA Class to handle outputting things into ROOT
 CScintProcessorObsoltete Class to handle scintillator events
 CSsdProcessorHandles detectors of type dssd_front and dssd_back (Deprecated - Duplicate!)
 CSsdProcessorHandles detectors of type dssd_front and dssd_back (Deprecated - Duplicate!)
 CTeenyVandleProcessorA generic processor to be used as a template for others
 CTemplateExpProcessorWorking template class for experiment processors
 CTemplateProcessorA generic processor to be used as a template for others
 CValidProcessorClass to handle the Valid signal from MoNA DAQ
 CVandleProcessorClass to process VANDLE related events
 CGeneralExceptionException with customizable message
 CGeneralWarningWarning with customizable message
 CFittingAnalyzer::FitDataStructure necessary for the GSL fitting routines
 CGlobalsSingleton class holding global parameters
 CIdentifierChannel identification
 CMcpProcessor::McpDataData structure to hold MCP data
 CMessengerThis class outputs nicely formatted messages during configuration loading
 CNotebookA class to output things to a notebook
 CPlaceA pure abstract class to define a "place" for correlator
 CPlaceANDSimilar to PlaceOR but uses AND relation
 CPlaceCounterCounts number of activations coming from directly or from children
 CPlaceDetectorThe basic detector which does not depend on children status. Will use info_ map to store additional information
 CPlaceLazy"Lazy" Place does not store multiple activation or deactivation events. Abstract class
 CPlaceORAn abstract place using OR logic to set the activation of places
 CPlaceThresholdEach activation must be within the set thresholds
 CPlaceBuilderCreate place, alter or add existing place to the tree
 CPlotsHolds pointers to all Histograms
 CPlotsRegisterHolds ranges and offsets of all plots. Singleton class
 CPspmtProcessor::PspmtDataStructure defining what data we're storing
 CRandomPoolA random pool of numbers using Mersenne twister - Singleton Class
 CRawEventThe all important raw event
 CSheCorrelatorClass to handle correlations for super heavy event experiments
 CSheEventA class to define information for a super-heavy element event
 CStatsDataClass to store statistics data from data stream in original format
 CDssd4SHEProcessor::StripEventStructure defining an event on a strip of the DSSD
 CTimingCalibrationA class to hold the timing calibration for a detector
 CTimingCalibratorClass to handle time calibrations for bar type detectors - Singleton
 CTimingMapBuilderA class that builds timing maps from a list of ChanEvents
 CTraceAnalyzerAbstract class that all trace analyzers are derived from
 CCfdAnalyzerClass to analyze traces using a digital CFD
 CFittingAnalyzerAnalyzer that handles the fitting of traces for High Resolution Timing
 CTauAnalyzerClass to analyze Tau from a trace
 CTraceExtractorA class to extract traces from events
 CTraceFilterAnalyzerA class to perform trapezoidal filters on the traces
 CWaaAnalyzerExtracts sub-sampling time from trace using weighted average algorithm
 CWaveformAnalyzerClass to handle the HRT and waveform analysis
 CTrapFilterParametersSimple class that holds trapezoidal filter parameters
 CTreeCorrelatorSingleton class holding map of all places
 CCorrelationListThe list of correlations
 CDetectorLibraryA class to define a library of detectors known to the analysis
 CTraceStore the information for a trace
 CWalkCorrectorClass to correct channels for walk in the onboard filters
 CWalkerXML document walker and parser for TreeCorrelator xml config file